This is a small correction to Equation (110) in [1]. Many thanks to Vincent Tan for discovering the error.

Erroneous statement

The erroneous statement is in Eq. (100), where I claimed that \(\int\frac{P_1^2(y)}{P_0(y)}dy = \exp(-x_1^2/\sigma^2)\).

Fixing the error

The correct statement is \(\int\frac{P_1^2(y)}{P_0(y)}dy = \exp(+x_1^2/\sigma^2)\). Fortunately, this has no incidence on the rest of the paper, since we only cared about $\int\frac{P_1^2(y)}{P_0(y)}dy<\infty$.


  1. M. R. Bloch, “Covert Communication over Noisy Channels: A Resolvability Perspective,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 2334–2354, May 2016.