Matthieu Bloch
Feature vectors in dataset \(\calD\) are \(\bfx_i\in\bbR^d\), with \(d\) potentially large
Median distance to origin of dataset sampled i.i.d. uniformly in unit ball of \(\bbR^p\)
Information loss: how is information loss measured?
Supervised vs unsupervised: are the labels \(y_i\) used?
Linear vs nonlinear: is the map \(\bfx \to \bfx'\) linear or non-linear?
Selection vs extraction: are features selected or extracted? \[\bfx'_{\textsf{select}}=\mat{c}{x_1\\x_6\\x_{32}}\quad\textsf{vs}\quad\bfx'_{\textsf{extract}}=\mat{c}{\phi_1(\bfx)\\\phi_2(\bfx)\\\phi_3(\bfx)}\]