Matthieu Bloch
There are situations for which Euclidean distance is not appropriate
Suppose we have access to a dissimilarity matrix \(\bfD\eqdef[d_{ij}]\in\bbR^{N\times N}\) and some distance function \(\rho\)
A dissimilarity matrix \(\bfD\eqdef[d_{ij}]\in\bbR^{N\times N}\) satisfies \[\forall i,j\qquad d_{ij}\geq0\quad d_{ij}=d_{ji}\quad d_{ii}=0\]
Triangle inequality not required
Assume \(\bfD\) is completely known (no missing entry) and \(\rho(\bfx,\bfy)\eqdef \norm[2]{\bfx-\bfy}\)
Where is this coming from?
The above algorithm returns the best rank \(k\) approximation in the sense that it minimizes \(\norm[2]{\bfX^\intercal\bfX-\bfB}\) and \(\norm[F]{\bfX^\intercal\bfX-\bfB}\)
Suppose we have \(\{\bfx_i\}_{i=1}^N\in\bbR^d\) and \(\bfD\) such that \(d_{ij}\eqdef\norm[2]{\bfx_i-\bfx_j}\)
Set \(\bfX = \mat{ccc}{|&&|\\\bfx_1&\cdots&\bfx_N\\|&&|}\in\bbR^{d\times N}\)
Dataset \(\calD=\{\bfx_i\}_{i=1}^N\in\bbR^d\), kernel \(k\), dimension \(r\)
Projection of transformed data computed with \(f:\bbR^d\to\bbR^r\) computed as \[f(\bfx) = (\bfTheta^\dagger)^T\Phi(\bfX)^\intercal(\Phi(\bfx)-\Phi(\bfmu)) = (\bfTheta^\dagger)^T(k(\bfx)-\frac{1}{N}\bfK\bfone)\] with \(k(\bfx)\eqdef \mat{ccc}{k(\bfx,\bfx_1)&\cdots & k(\bfx,\bfx_N)}^\intercal\)
No computation in large dimensional Hilbert space!
Can be viewed as an extension of MDS
Assumes that the data lies in low-dimensional manifold (looks Euclidean in small neighborhoods)
Given dataset \(\calD=\{\bfx_i\}_{i=1}^N\in\bbR^d\), try to compute estimate of the geodesic distance along manifold
Compute shortest path using a proximity graph
\(\bfW\) is a weighted adjacency matrix of the graph
Compute \(\bfD\) by setting \(d_{ij}\) to length of shortest path from node \(i\) to node \(j\) in graph described by \(\bfW\)
Can compute embedding similarly to MDS
Challenge: isomap can become inaccurate for points far apart
Demo notebook