We consider the problem of secure communications over the two-way wiretap channel under a strong secrecy criterion. We improve existing results by developing an achievable region based on strategies that exploit both the interference at the eavesdropper’s terminal and cooperation between legitimate users. We leverage the notion of channel resolvability for the multiple-access channel to analyze cooperative jamming and we show that the artificial noise created by cooperative jamming induces a source of common randomness that can be used for secret-key agreement. We illustrate the gain provided by this coding technique in the case of the Gaussian two-way wiretap channel, and we show significant improvements for some channel configurations.
author = {Pierrot, Alexandre J. and Bloch, Matthieu R.},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security},
title = {{S}trongly Secure Communications Over the Two-Way Wiretap Channel},
year = {2011},
month = sep,
number = {3},
pages = {595--605},
volume = {6},
citeseerurl = {1010.0177},
creationdate = {2010-08-29T00:00:00},
doi = {10.1109/TIFS.2011.2158422},
file = {:2011-Pierrot-IEEETransIFS.pdf:PDF},
groups = {Wiretap channels},
howpublished = {accepted to \emph{IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security}},
owner = {matthieu}