The Mathematics of ECE

Analysis - Sequences in normed vector spaces

Friday, September 3, 2021


Normed vector space: vector space

  • To talk about sequences, series, and convergence, one needs to be able to measure “closeness”

  • We will study this in the concepts of normed vector spaces (less abstract and very useful)

  • A vector space \(\calV\) over a field \(\bbK\) consists of a set \(\calV\) of vectors, a closed addition rule \(+\) and a closed scalar multiplication \(\cdot\) such that 8 axioms are satisfied:
    1. \(\forall x,y\in\calV\) \(x+y=y+x\) (commutativity)
    2. \(\forall x,y,z\in\calV\) \(x+(y+z)=(x+y)+z\) (associativity)
    3. \(\exists 0\in\calV\) such that \(\forall x\in\calV\) \(x+0=x\) (identity element)
    4. \(\forall x\in\calV\) \(\exists y\in\calV\) such that \(x+y=0\) (inverse element)
    5. \(\forall x\in\calV\) \(1\cdot x= x\)
    6. \(\forall \alpha, \beta\in\bbK\) \(\forall x\in\calV\) \(\alpha\cdot(\beta\bfx)=(\alpha\cdot\beta)\cdot\bfx\) (associativity)
    7. \(\forall \alpha, \beta\in\bbK\) \(\forall x\in\calV\) \((\alpha+\beta)x = \alpha x+\beta x\) (distributivity)
    8. \(\forall \alpha\in\bbK\) \(\forall x,y\in\calV\) \(\alpha(x+y) = \alpha x+\alpha y\) (distributivity)
  • This is pretty dense, but the rules of algebra are very natural

    • we can add and scale vectors

Normed vector space: norm

  • A vector space provides an algebraic structure

  • We are missing a topological structure to measure length and distance

  • A norm on a vector space \(\calV\) over \(\bbR\) is a function \(\norm{\cdot}:\calV\to\bbR\) that satisfies:
    • Positive definiteness: \(\forall x\in\calV\) \(\norm{x}\geq 0\) with equality iff \(x=0\)
    • Homogeneity: \(\forall x\in\calV\) \(\forall\alpha\in\bbR\) \(\norm{\alpha x}=\abs{\alpha}\norm{x}\)
    • Subadditivity: \(\forall x,y\in\calV\) \(\norm{x+y}\leq \norm{x}+\norm{y}\)
  • \(\norm{x}\) measures a length, \(\norm{x-y}\) measures a distance

  • \(\bfx\in\bbR^d\qquad\norm[0]{\bfx}\eqdef\card{\set{i:x_i\neq 0}}\quad\norm[1]{\bfx}\eqdef\sum_{i=1}^d\abs{x_i}\quad \norm[2]{\bfx}\eqdef\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^d x_i^2}\)

Open ball and open set

  • The study of convergence, limits, continuity requires some notions of topology

  • For \(x\in\calV\), the open ball centered at \(x\) with radius \(\epsilon>0\) is \[ \calB(x,\epsilon)\eqdef\set{v\in\calV:\norm{x-v}<\epsilon} \]

  • Let \(\calP\) be a subset of a normed space \(\calV\). Then \(p\in\calP\) is an interior point of \(\calP\) if \[ \exists \epsilon>0 \text{ such that } \calB(p,\epsilon)\subset\calP \] The collection of all interior points of \(\calP\) is the interior of \(\calP\), denoted \(\mathring{P}\)

  • As set \(\calP\) is open if \(\mathring{\calP}=\calP\)

Closed set

  • A point \(x\in\calV\) is a closure point of a set \(\calP\) if \[ \forall \epsilon>0\exists p\in\calP\text{ such that } x\in\calB(p,\epsilon) \] The collection of all closure points is called the closure of \(\calP\) and denoted \(\bar{P}\).
  • As set \(\calP\) is closed if \(\bar{\calP}=\calP\)
  • The complement of an open set is closed, the complement of a closed set is open.
  • The intersection of a finite number of open set is open; the union of an arbitrary collection of open sets is open.
  • The union of a finite number of closed set is closed; the intersection of an arbitrary collection of closed sets is closed.

Sequences: definition, convergence

  • A sequence \(\set{x_i}_{i\in\bbN}\) in a vector space \(\calV\) is a map \(\bbN\to\calV\). The image of \(i\) is the \(i\)th term of the sequence and denoted by \(x_i\).

  • A sequence can also be indexed by a subset of \(\bbN\)

  • A sequence \(\set{x_i}_{i\in\bbN}\) in a normed vector space \(\calV\) converges to a vector \(x\in\calV\) if and only if \[ \forall \epsilon>0 \exists N_\epsilon\in\bbN \text{ s.t. } \forall n\geq N_\epsilon \,\norm{x_n-x}\leq \epsilon \]

  • This is equivalent to saying that the sequence of real numbers \(\set{\norm{x_n-x}}\) converges to zero.

  • We often write \(x_n\to_{n\to\infty} x\)

Sequences: properties of convergence

  • If \(x_n\to x\) then \(\norm{x_n}\to\norm{x}\)
  • If a sequence converges, the limit is unique