Analysis - Sequences in normed vector spaces
Friday, September 3, 2021
To talk about sequences, series, and convergence, one needs to be able to measure “closeness”
We will study this in the concepts of normed vector spaces (less abstract and very useful)
This is pretty dense, but the rules of algebra are very natural
A vector space provides an algebraic structure
We are missing a topological structure to measure length and distance
\(\norm{x}\) measures a length, \(\norm{x-y}\) measures a distance
\(\bfx\in\bbR^d\qquad\norm[0]{\bfx}\eqdef\card{\set{i:x_i\neq 0}}\quad\norm[1]{\bfx}\eqdef\sum_{i=1}^d\abs{x_i}\quad \norm[2]{\bfx}\eqdef\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^d x_i^2}\)
The study of convergence, limits, continuity requires some notions of topology
For \(x\in\calV\), the open ball centered at \(x\) with radius \(\epsilon>0\) is \[ \calB(x,\epsilon)\eqdef\set{v\in\calV:\norm{x-v}<\epsilon} \]
Let \(\calP\) be a subset of a normed space \(\calV\). Then \(p\in\calP\) is an interior point of \(\calP\) if \[ \exists \epsilon>0 \text{ such that } \calB(p,\epsilon)\subset\calP \] The collection of all interior points of \(\calP\) is the interior of \(\calP\), denoted \(\mathring{P}\)
A sequence \(\set{x_i}_{i\in\bbN}\) in a vector space \(\calV\) is a map \(\bbN\to\calV\). The image of \(i\) is the \(i\)th term of the sequence and denoted by \(x_i\).
A sequence can also be indexed by a subset of \(\bbN\)
A sequence \(\set{x_i}_{i\in\bbN}\) in a normed vector space \(\calV\) converges to a vector \(x\in\calV\) if and only if \[ \forall \epsilon>0 \exists N_\epsilon\in\bbN \text{ s.t. } \forall n\geq N_\epsilon \,\norm{x_n-x}\leq \epsilon \]
This is equivalent to saying that the sequence of real numbers \(\set{\norm{x_n-x}}\) converges to zero.
We often write \(x_n\to_{n\to\infty} x\)