ECE 6605 - Information Theory
Prof. Matthieu Bloch
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Mathematical vs operational view of entropy
What to expect in ECE 6605
ECE 6605 is about the mathematical theory of
- We will talk a lot about probability
- We will prove things formally (theorems,
- Exams and homework will be mathematical puzzles
Most importantly…
- ECE 6605 is a fun course and you will learn a lot of
useful concepts
- We will talk about applications to machine learning, communications,
quantum information
ECE 6605 will give you solid background to self-study for lots of
other topics, including:
- signal processing
- machine learning
- communications
- quantum information
Information theory was "born" 75 years ago in a landmark
- Class time and venue: Tuesday and Thursday
12:30pm:1:45pm in Clough
- In-person live course
- Asynchronously recorded lectures (DL and on-campus) +
- Come to class
- Instructor: Prof. Matthieu Bloch
- Email:
- Office: TSRB 437 (appointments only, no
- Office hours: Thursdays 11am-12pm online and in
person in TSRB, also recorded
Electronic communication policy
- General guidelines
- Email the Dean of Students if your personal
situation requires special academic consideration
- Use Piazza for technical questions
- You can be anonymous to your peers, not to the
- You can use \(\LaTeX\) (\(\min_\beta\Vert y-X\beta\Vert_2^2\))
- Be courteous in your electronic interactions
- Avoid judgmental language, e.g., "The answer is
- Try to be constructive
- Avoid typos and use correct syntax
- If you really have to email me
- Include "[ECE 6605]" in the subject of the email
- I am usually reasonably fast
- Assignments (25%)
- Due approximately every two weeks (approx. 5 assignments
- Mathematical in nature.
- You can typeset in \(\LaTeX\), but
do not waste time; handwritten and legible is fine.
- Allocate time to submit on gradescope
- Midterm exam (25%)
- In class on Thursday October 23, 2023 (DL students, GTPE
will be in touch with you)
- Project exam (25%)
- Report on information theory papers of your choice (see
- Final exam (25%)
- In person on Thursday, December 14, 2023 11:20am -
Assignments policy
Two stage deadline policy
- Soft official deadline with 2% bonus (conditions
apply, read the fine print)
- Hard deadline 48 hours after soft-deadline; no late
homework accepted after hard deadline
Abide by the Georgia Tech honor code
- Reference all your sources
- Do not plagiarize other sources (python code, homework solutions,
- Do not upload course material on other websites
- When in doubt regarding what constitutes plagiarism,
Assignments are individual but light collaboration permitted and
- Piazza is here for that purpose
- Small study groups are ok
Final thoughts
- I believe in accountability,
integrity, and fairness
- I will hold you to the same standards
- I trust you be default
- Don't be shy and don't hesitate to talk to me !
- I have little bandwidth for whining and complaining but I’m usually
friendly and helpful
- I value your feedback - I use it to make improvements
- Don't obsess about grades