Dr. Matthieu R Bloch
Monday August 23, 2021
Challenge: compare, classify, analyze, visualize sequences
Lots happening behind the scene
Sequences \(\bfx\in\calS\) embedded in Hilbert space \(\calH\) (dimension \(N\gg 1\)) \[ \Phi:\calS\to\calH:\bfx\mapsto\Phi(\bfx) \]
Approximate sequences in low \(d\)-dimensional subspace
\[\argmin_{\bfmu,\bfA,\bftheta_i}\sum_{i=1}^n\norm[2]{\Phi(\bfx_i)-\bfmu-\bfA\bftheta_i}^2 \text{ with }\matA\in\bbR^{N\times d}\]
ECE 7750 is about the mathematical foundations of machine learning
All that being said…
If you’re unsure about taking the class, the self-assessment is here to help!
ECE 7750 will give you solid background to self-study or take other ML courses at GT
We are officially back in-person (no social distancing, etc.)
Official Institute policy at Tech Moving Forward
[ECE 7750]
in the subject of the emailTwo stage deadline policy
Abide by the Georgia Tech honor code
Assignments are individual but light collaboration permitted and encouraged
I believe in accountability, integrity, and fairness
Don’t be shy and don’t hesitate to talk to me !
I value your feedback - I use it to make improvements
Aspects students least liked about the course