
Dr. Matthieu R Bloch

Monday October 04, 2021


  • Assignment 4 assigned tonight

    • Includes a programming component

    • Due October 13, 2021 (soft deadline, hard deadline on October 15)

What’s on the agenda for today?

  • Last time: Non-Orthobases

    • Dual basis
  • Today

    • Wrap up non-orthobases in infinite dimension
    • Least-square regression
  • Reading: Romberg, lecture notes 7/8

Non-orthogonal bases in infinite dimension

  • \(\set{v_i}_{i=1}^\infty\) is a Riesz basis for Hilbert space \(\calH\) if \(\text{cl}(\text{span}(\set{v_i}_{i=1}^\infty))=\calH\) and there exists \(A,B>0\) such that \[ A\sum_{i=1}^\infty\alpha_i^2\leq \norm[\calH]{\sum_{i=1}^n\alpha_iv_i}^2\leq B\sum_{i=1}^\infty\alpha_i^2 \] uniformly for all sequences \(\set{\alpha_i}_{i\geq 1}\) with \(\sum_{i\geq 1}\alpha_i^2<\infty\).
  • In infinite dimension, the existence of \(A,B>0\) is not automatic.

  • Examples

Non-orthogonal bases in finite dimension: dual basis

  • Computing expansion on Riesz basis not as simple in infinite dimension: Gram matrix is “infinite”

  • The Grammiam is a linear operator \[ \calG:\ell_2(\bbZ)\to\ell_2(\bbZ): \bfx\mapsto \bfy\text{ with }[\calG(\bfx)]_n\eqdef y_n=\sum_{\ell=-\infty^\infty}\dotp{v_\ell}{v_n}x_\ell \]

  • Fact: there exists another linear operator \(\calH:\ell_2(\bbZ)\to\ell_2(\bbZ)\) such that \[ \calH(\calG(\bfx)) = \bfx \] We can replicate what we did in finite dimension!


  • A fundamental problem in unsupervised machine learning can be cast as follows \[ \textsf{Given a dataset }\calD\eqdef\{(\vecx_i,y_i)\}_{i=1}^n\textsf{, how do we find $f$ such that $f(\bfx_i)\approx y_i$ for all }i\in\set{1,\cdots,n}? \]

    • Often \(\vecx_i\in\bbR^d\), but sometimes \(\vecx_i\) is a weirder object (think tRNA string)
    • if \(y_i\in\calY\subseteq\bbR\) with \(\card{\calY}<\infty\), the problem is called classification
    • if \(y_i\in\calY=\bbR\), the problem is called regression
  • We need to introduce several ingredients to make the question well defined

    1. We need a class \(\calF\) to which \(f\) should belong
    2. We need a loss function \(\ell:\bbR\times\bbR\to\bbR^+\) to measure the quality of our approximation
  • We can then formulate the question as \[ \min_{f\in\calF}\sum_{i=1}^n\ell(f(\bfx_i),y_i) \]

  • We will focus quite a bit on the square loss \(\ell(u,v)\eqdef (u-v)^2\), called least-square regression

Least square linear regression

  • A classical choice of \(\calF\) is the set of continuous linear functions.

    • \(f:\bbR^d\to\bbR\) is linear iff \[ \forall \bfx,\bfy\in\bbR^d,\lambda,\mu\in\bbR\quad f(\lambda\bfx + \mu\bfy) = \lambda f(\bfx)+\mu f(\bfy) \]

    • We will see that every continuous linear function on \(\bbR^d\) is actually an inner product, i.e., \[ \exists \bftheta_f\in\bbR^d\textsf{ s.t. } f(\bfx)=\bftheta_f^\intercal\bfx \quad\forall \bfx\in\bbR^d \]

  • Canonical form I

    • Stack \(\bfx_i\) as row vectors into a matrix \(\bfX\in\bbR^{n\times d}\), stack \(y_i\) as elements of column vector \(\bfy\in\bbR^n\) \[ \min_{\bftheta\in\bbR^d} \norm[2]{\bfy-\matX\bftheta}^2\textsf{ with } \matX\eqdef\mat{c}{-\vecx_1^\intercal-\\\vdots\\-\vecx_n^\intercal-} \]

Least square affine regression

  • Canonical form II

    • Allow for affine functions (not just linear)

    • Add a 1 to every \(\vecx_i\) \[ \min_{\bftheta\in\bbR^{d+1}} \norm[2]{\bfy-\matX\bftheta}^2\textsf{ with } \matX\eqdef\mat{c}{1-\vecx_1^\intercal-\\\vdots\\1-\vecx_n^\intercal-} \]

Nonlinear regression using a basis

  • Let \(\calF\) be an \(d\)-dimensional subspace of a vector space with basis \(\set{\psi_i}_{i=1}^d\)

    • We model \(f(\bfx) = \sum_{i=1}^d\theta_i\psi_i(\bfx)\)
  • The problem becomes \[ \min_{\bftheta\in\bbR^d}\norm[2]{\bfy-\boldsymbol{\Psi}\bftheta}^2\textsf{ with }\boldsymbol{\Psi}\eqdef \mat{c}{-\psi(\bfx_1)^\intercal-\\\vdots\\-\psi(\bfx_n)^\intercal-}\eqdef\mat{cccc}{\psi_1(\bfx_1)&\psi_2(\bfx_1)&\cdots&\psi_d(\bfx_1)\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\vdots\\ \psi_1(\bfx_n)&\psi_2(\bfx_n)&\cdots&\psi_d(\bfx_n) } \]

  • We are recovering a nonlinear function of a continuous variable

    • This is the exact same computational framework as linear regression.