Dr. Matthieu R Bloch
Monday, October 18, 2021
Grades upcoming
More office hours
Midterm 2: scheduled for Wednesday November 3, 2021
In \(\bbR^d\), the problem \(\min_{\bftheta\in\bbR^d}\norm[2]{\bfy-\bfX\bftheta}^2 + \lambda\norm[2]{\bftheta}^2\) has a solution \[ \bftheta^* = \matX^\intercal\bfalpha\textsf{ with } \bfalpha =(\bfX\bfX^\intercal+\lambda\bfI)^{-1}\bfy \] \(\matX\matX^\intercal\in\bbR^{n\times n}\) is dimension independent! We will be able to extend this to infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces!
Let \(\calF\) be a Hilbert space and let \(f\in\calF\) be the function we are trying to estimate
We will estimate \(f\in\calF\) using noisy observations \(\dotp{f}{x_i}\) with \(\set{x_i}_{i=1}^n\) elements of \(\calF\)
This is the equivalent of saying \(\bfy = \bfA\bfx+\bfn\) in finite dimension
For a Hilbert space \(\calF\) and \(n\) pairs \((x_i,y_i)\in\calF\times \bbR\), we know how to solve the following problem with linear algebra \[ \min_{f\in\calF}\sum_{i=1}^n\abs{y_i-{\dotp{f}{x_i}}_{\calF}}^2+\lambda\norm[\calF]{f} \]
We would really like to solve the following problem for \(n\) pairs \((\bfx_i,y_i)\in\bbR^d\times\bbR\) \[ \min_{f\in\calF}\sum_{i=1}^n\abs{y_i-f(\bfx_i)}^2+\lambda\norm[\calF]{f} \]
The question whether \(f(\bfx_i) = {\dotp{f}{x_i}}_{\calF}\) for some \(x_i\in\calF\) function of \(\bfx_i\)
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHSs) are specific Hilbert spaces where this happens to be true
As usual, we’re throwing definitions at out problem to make progress
In what follows, \(\calF\) is a Hilbert space with scalar field \(\bbR\)
A functional \(F:\calF\to\bbR\) associates real-valued number to an element of a Hilbert space \(\calF\)
Notation can be tricky when the Hilbert space is a space of functions: \(F\) can act on a function \(f\in\calF\)
A functional \(F:\calF\to\bbR\) is continuous if \[ \forall \epsilon>0\exists\delta>0\textsf{ such that } \norm[\calF]{x-y}\leq \delta\Rightarrow \abs{F(x)-F(y)}\leq\epsilon. \]
Let \(F:\calF\to\bbR\) be a linear functional on an \(n\)-dimensional Hilbert space \(\calF\).
Then there exists \(c\in\calF\) such that \(F(x)=\dotp{x}{c}\) for every \(x\in\calF\)Linear functional over finite dimensional Hilbert spaces are continuous!
This is not true in infinite dimension
Let \(F:\calF\to\bbR\) be a continuous linear functional on a (possible infinite dimensional) separable Hilbert space \(\calF\).
Then there exists \(c\in\calF\) such that \(F(x)=\dotp{x}{c}\) for every \(x\in\calF\)An RKHS is a Hilbert space \(\calH\) of real-valued functions \(f:\bbR^d\to\bbR\) in which the sampling operation \(\calS_\bftau:\calH\to\bbR:f\mapsto f(\bftau)\) is continuous for every \(\bftau\in\bbR^d\).
In other words, for each \(\bftau\in\bbR^d\), there exists \(k_\bftau\in\calH\) s.t. \[ f(\bftau) = {\dotp{f}{k_\bftau}}_\calH\text{ for all } f\in\calH \]If \(\set{\phi_n}_{n\geq 1}\) is a Riesz basis for \(\calH\), we know that every \(x\in\calH\) can be written \[ x = \sum_{n\geq 1}\alpha_n\phi_n\textsf{ with } \alpha_n\eqdef\dotp{x}{\smash{\widetilde{\phi}_n}} \] where \(\set{\widetilde{\phi}_n}_{n\geq 1}\) is the dual basis.