Dr. Matthieu R Bloch
Monday, November 22, 2021
General announcements
Assignment 6 to be posted… (grading traffic jam)
4 lectures left! (No lecture on Wednesday November 24, 2021)
Midterm 2
Assignment 5
Assignment 6 and 7
Last time:
Reading: lecture notes 14/15/16
What if we observe
We can separate the error analysis into two components
We will express the error in terms of the SVD
The null space error is given by
The noise error is given by
How do we mitigate the effect of small singular values in reconstruction?
Truncate the SVD to
Error analysis:
Regularization means changing the problem to solve
The solution is
We have seen several solutions to systems of linear equations
Extension: constrained least-squares
All these problems involve a symmetric positive definite system of equations.
LU factorization
Cholesky factorization
QR decomposition
SVD and eigenvalue decompositions