Stability and Numerical Aspects of Least Squares

Dr. Matthieu R Bloch

Monday, November 29, 2021


  • General announcements

    • Assignment 6 posted (last assignment)

    • Due December 7, 2021 for bonus, deadline December 10, 2021

    • 3 lectures left

    • Let me know what’s missing

  • Midterm 2 / Assignment 5

    • Grades posted this week

What’s on the agenda for today?

Toddlers can do it!
  • Last time:

    • Numerical considerations
  • Today:

    • (Fast discussion) of additional numerical considerations
  • Reading: lecture notes 14/15/16

Easy systems

  • Diagonal system
    • \(\bfA\in\bbR^{n\times n}\) invertible and diagonal
    • \(O(n)\) complexity
  • Orthogonal system
    • \(\bfA\in\bbR^{n\times n}\) invertible and orthogonal
    • \(O(n^2)\) complexity
  • Lower triangular system
    • \(\bfA\in\bbR^{n\times n}\) invertible and lower diagonal
    • \(O(n^2)\) complexity
  • General strategy: factorize \(\matA\) to recover some of the structures above


  • LU factorization

  • Cholesky factorization

  • QR decomposition

  • SVD and eigenvalue decompositions

Computing eigenvalue decompositions for symetric matrices

  • Many techniques: we shall only discuss one based on power iterations

Components of supervised machine learning

Learning model #1
  1. An unknown function \(f:\calX\to\calY:\bfx\mapsto y=f(\bfx)\) to learn
    • The formula to distinguish cats from dogs
  2. A dataset \(\calD\eqdef\{(\bfx_1,y_1),\cdots,(\bfx_N,y_N)\}\)
    • \(\bfx_i\in\calX\eqdef\bbR^d\): picture of cat/dog
    • \(y_i\in\calY\eqdef\bbR\): the corresponding label cat/dog
  3. A set of hypotheses \(\calH\) as to what the function could be
    • Example: deep neural nets with AlexNet architecture
  4. An algorithm \(\texttt{ALG}\) to find the best \(h\in\calH\) that explains \(f\)
  • Terminology:
    • \(\calY=\bbR\): regression problem
    • \(\card{\calY}<\infty\): classification problem
    • \(\card{\calY}=2\): binary classification problem
  • The goal is to generalize, i.e., be able to classify inputs we have not seen.

A learning puzzle

  • Learning seems impossible without additional assumptions!

Possible vs probable

  • Flip a biased coin, lands on head with unknown probability \(p\in[0,1]\)

  • \(\P{\text{head}}=p\) and \(\P{\text{tail}}=1-p\)

  • Say we flip the coin \(N\) times, can we estimate \(p\)?

  • \[ \hat{p} = \frac{\text{# head}}{N} \]

  • Can we relate \(\hat{p}\) to \(p\)?

    • The law of large numbers tells us that \(\hat{p}\) converges in probability to \(p\) as \(N\) gets large \[ \forall\epsilon>0\quad\P{\abs{\hat{p}-p}>\epsilon}\mathop{\longrightarrow}_{N\to\infty} 0. \]
  • It is possible that \(\hat{p}\) is completely off but it is not probable

Components of supervised machine learning

Learning model #2
  1. An unknown function \(f:\calX\to\calY:\bfx\mapsto y=f(\bfx)\) to learn

  2. A dataset \(\calD\eqdef\{(\bfx_1,y_1),\cdots,(\bfx_N,y_N)\}\)

    • \(\{\bfx_i\}_{i=1}^N\) i.i.d. from unknown distribution \(P_{\bfx}\) on \(\calX\)
    • \(\{y_i\}_{i=1}^N\) are the corresponding labels \(y_i\in\calY\eqdef\bbR\)
  3. A set of hypotheses \(\calH\) as to what the function could be

  4. An algorithm \(\texttt{ALG}\) to find the best \(h\in\calH\) that explains \(f\)

Another learning puzzle

Which color is the dress?

Components of supervised machine learning

Learning model #3

::: nonincremental

  1. An unknown conditional distribution \(P_{y|\bfx}\) to learn

    • \(P_{y|\bfx}\) models \(f:\calX\to\calY\) with noise
  2. A dataset \(\calD\eqdef\{(\bfx_1,y_1),\cdots,(\bfx_N,y_N)\}\)

    • \(\{\bfx_i\}_{i=1}^N\) i.i.d. from distribution \(P_{\bfx}\) on \(\calX\)
    • \(\{y_i\}_{i=1}^N\) are the corresponding labels \(y_i\sim P_{y|\bfx=\bfx_i}\)
  3. A set of hypotheses \(\calH\) as to what the function could be

  4. An algorithm \(\texttt{ALG}\) to find the best \(h\in\calH\) that explains \(f\) :::

  • The roles of \(P_{y|\bfx}\) and \(P_{\bfx}\) are different
    • \(P_{y|\bfx}\) is what we want to learn, captures the underlying function and the noise added to it
    • \(P_{\bfx}\) models sampling of dataset, need not be learned

Yet another learning puzzle

Biometric authentication system
  • Assume that you are designing a fingerprint authentication system
    • You trained your system with a fancy machine learning system
    • The probability of wrongly authenticating is 1%
    • The probability of correctly authenticating is 60%
    • Is this a good system?
  • It depends!
    • If you are GTRI, this might be ok (security matters more)
    • If you are Apple, this is not acceptable (convenience matters more)
  • There is an application dependent cost that can affect the design

Components of supervised machine learning

Final supervised learning model
  1. A dataset \(\calD\eqdef\{(\bfx_1,y_1),\cdots,(\bfx_N,y_N)\}\)

    • \(\{\bfx_i\}_{i=1}^N\) i.i.d. from an unknown distribution \(P_{\bfx}\) on \(\calX\)
  2. An unknown conditional distribution \(P_{y|\bfx}\)

    • \(P_{y|\bfx}\) models \(f:\calX\to\calY\) with noise
    • \(\{y_i\}_{i=1}^N\) are the corresponding labels \(y_i\sim P_{y|\bfx=\bfx_i}\)
  3. A set of hypotheses \(\calH\) as to what the function could be

  4. A loss function \(\ell:\calY\times\calY\rightarrow\bbR^+\) capturing the “cost” of prediction

  5. An algorithm \(\texttt{ALG}\) to find the best \(h\in\calH\) that explains \(f\)