Dr. Matthieu R Bloch
Monday, December 6, 2021
General announcements
Assignment 6 due December 7, 2021 for bonus, deadline December 10, 2021
Last lecture!
Let me know what’s missing
Expect an email from me tonight
Midterm 2 statistics
Hilbert spaces
Spaces of functions can be manipulated almost just as easily
Finite dimensional is fairly natural
Infinite dimensional can be manipulated just as well using orthobases
With orthobases, vectors in infinite dimensional separates Hilbert spaces are like square summable sequences
Who knew solving \(\vecy=\matA\vecx\) could be so useful?
SVD provides lots of insights
Regression in Hilbert spaces
More on learning and Bayes classifiers
Lecture notes 17 and 23
Consider a special case of the general supervised learning problem
Dataset \(\calD\eqdef\{(\bfx_1,y_1),\cdots,(\bfx_N,y_N)\}\)
Unknown \(f:\calX\to\calY\), no noise.
Finite set of hypotheses \(\calH\), \(\card{\calH}=M<\infty\)
Binary loss function \(\ell:\calY\times\calY\rightarrow\bbR^+:(y_1,y_2)\mapsto \indic{y_1\neq y_2}\)
In this very specific case, the true risk simplifies \[ R(h)\eqdef\E[\bfx y]{\indic{h(\bfx)\neq y}} = \P[\bfx y]{h(\bfx)\neq y} \]
The empirical risk becomes \[ \widehat{R}_N(h)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N} \indic{h(\bfx_i)\neq y_i} \]
Our objective is to find a hypothesis \(h^*=\argmin_{h\in\calH}\widehat{R}_N(h)\) that ensures a small risk
For a fixed \(h_j\in\calH\), how does \(\widehat{R}_N(h_j)\) compares to \({R}(h_j)\)?
Observe that for \(h_j\in\calH\)
The empirical risk is a sum of iid random variables \[ \widehat{R}_N(h_j)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N} \indic{h_j(\bfx_i)\neq y_i} \]
\(\E{\widehat{R}_N(h_j)} = R(h_j)\)
\(\P{\abs{\widehat{R}_N(h_j)-{R}(h_j)}>\epsilon}\) is a statement about the deviation of a normalized sum of iid random variables from its mean
We’re in luck! Such bounds, a.k.a, known as concentration inequalities, are a well studied subject
Let \(X\) be a non-negative real-valued random variable. Then for all \(t>0\) \[\P{X\geq t}\leq \frac{\E{X}}{t}.\]
Let \(X\) be a real-valued random variable. Then for all \(t>0\) \[\P{\abs{X-\E{X}}\geq t}\leq \frac{\Var{X}}{t^2}.\]
Let \(\{X_i\}_{i=1}^N\) be i.i.d. real-valued random variables with finite mean \(\mu\) and finite variance \(\sigma^2\). Then \[\P{\abs{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N X_i-\mu}\geq\epsilon}\leq\frac{\sigma^2}{N\epsilon^2}\qquad\lim_{N\to\infty}\P{\abs{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N X_i-\mu}\geq \epsilon}=0.\]
By the law of large number, we know that \[ \forall\epsilon>0\quad\P[\{(\bfx_i,y_i)\}]{\abs{\widehat{R}_N(h_j)-{R}(h_j)}\geq\epsilon}\leq \frac{\Var{\indic{h_j(\bfx_1)\neq y_1}}}{N\epsilon^2}\leq \frac{1}{N\epsilon^2}\]
Given enough data, we can generalize
How much data? \(N=\frac{1}{\delta\epsilon^2}\) to ensure \(\P{\abs{\widehat{R}_N(h_j)-{R}(h_j)}\geq\epsilon}\leq \delta\).
That’s not quite enough! We care about \(\widehat{R}_N(h^*)\) where \(h^*=\argmin_{h\in\calH}\widehat{R}_N(h)\)
\[ \P{\abs{\widehat{R}_N(h^*)-{R}(h^*)}\geq\epsilon} \leq \P{\exists j:\abs{\widehat{R}_N(h_j)-{R}(h_j)}\geq\epsilon} \]
\[ \P{\abs{\widehat{R}_N(h^*)-{R}(h^*)}\geq\epsilon} \leq \frac{M}{N\epsilon^2} \]
If we choose \(N\geq\lceil\frac{M}{\delta\epsilon^2}\rceil\) we can ensure \(\P{\abs{\widehat{R}_N(h^*)-{R}(h^*)}\geq\epsilon}\leq \delta\).
We can obtain much better bounds than with Chebyshev
Let \(\{X_i\}_{i=1}^N\) be i.i.d. real-valued zero-mean random variables such that \(X_i\in[a_i;b_i]\) with \(a_i<b_i\). Then for all \(\epsilon>0\) \[\P{\abs{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N X_i}\geq\epsilon}\leq 2\exp\left(-\frac{2N^2\epsilon^2}{\sum_{i=1}^N(b_i-a_i)^2}\right).\]
In our learning problem \[ \forall\epsilon>0\quad\P{\abs{\widehat{R}_N(h_j)-{R}(h_j)}\geq\epsilon}\leq 2\exp(-2N\epsilon^2)\]
\[ \forall\epsilon>0\quad\P{\abs{\widehat{R}_N(h^*)-{R}(h^*)}\geq\epsilon}\leq 2M\exp(-2N\epsilon^2)\]
We can now choose \(N\geq \lceil\frac{1}{2\epsilon^2}\left(\ln \frac{2M}{\delta}\right)\rceil\)
\(M\) can be quite large (almost exponential in \(N\)) and, with enough data, we can generalize \(h^*\).
How about learning \(h^{\sharp}\eqdef\argmin_{h\in\calH}R(h)\)?
If \(\forall j\in\calH\,\abs{\widehat{R}_N(h_j)-{R}(h_j)}\leq\epsilon\) then \(\abs{R(h^*)-{R}(h^\sharp)}\leq 2\epsilon\).
How do we make \(R(h^\sharp)\) small?
The function \(N_{\calH}(\epsilon,\delta)\) is called sample complexity
We have effectively already proved the following result
A finite hypothesis set \(\calH\) is PAC learnable with the Empirical Risk Minimization algorithm and with sample complexity \[N_\calH(\epsilon,\delta)={\lceil{\frac{2\ln(2\card{\calH}/\delta)}{\epsilon^2}}\rceil}\]
Ideally we want \(\card{\calH}\) small so that \(R(h^*)\approx R(h^\sharp)\) and get lucky so that \(R(h^*)\approx 0\)
In general this is not possible
Remember, we usually have to learn \(P_{y|\bfx}\), not a function \(f\)
We revisit the supervised learning setup (slight change in notation)
Dataset \(\calD\eqdef\{(X_1,Y_1),\cdots,(X_N,Y_N)\}\)
Unknown \(P_{Y|X}\)
Binary loss function \(\ell:\calY\times\calY\rightarrow\bbR^+:(y_1,y_2)\mapsto \indic{y_1\neq y_2}\)
The risk of a classifier \(h\) is \[ R(h)\eqdef\E[XY]{\indic{h(X)\neq Y}} = \P[X Y]{h(X)\neq Y} \]
We will not directly worry about \(\calH\), but rather about \(R(\hat{h}_N)\) for some \(\hat{h}_N\) that we will estimate from the data
The classifier \(h^\text{B}(\bfx)\eqdef\argmax_{k\in[0;K-1]} \eta_k(\bfx)\) is optimal, i.e., for any classifier \(h\), we have \(R(h^\text{B})\leq R(h)\). \[ R(h^{\text{B}}) = \E[X]{1-\max_k \eta_k(X)} \]
\(h^\text{B}(\bfx)\eqdef\argmax_{k\in[0;K-1]} \eta_k(\bfx)\)
\(h^\text{B}(\bfx)\eqdef\argmax_{k\in[0;K-1]} \pi_k p_{X|Y}(\bfx|k)\)
For \(K=2\) (binary classification): log-likelihood ratio test \[ \log\frac{p_{X|Y}(\bfx|1)}{p_{X|Y}(\bfx|0)} \gtrless \log \frac{\pi_0}{\pi_1} \]
If all classes are equally likely \(\pi_0=\pi_1=\cdots=\pi_{K-1}\) \[ h^\text{B}(\bfx)\eqdef\argmax_{k\in[0;K-1]} p_{X|Y}(\bfx|k) \]
Assume \(X|Y=0\sim\calN(0,1)\) and \(X|Y=1\sim\calN(1,1)\). The Bayes risk for \(\pi_0=\pi_1\) is \(R(h^\text{B})=\Phi(-\frac{1}{2})\) with \(\Phi\eqdef\text{Normal CDF}\)
In practice we do not know \(P_X\) and \(P_{Y|X}\)
Back to our training dataset \(\calD\eqdef\{(\bfx_1,y_1),\cdots,(\bfx_N,y_N)\}\)
The nearest-neighbor (NN) classifier is \(h^{\text{NN}}(\bfx)\eqdef y_{\text{NN}(\bfx)}\) where \(\text{NN}(\bfx)\eqdef \argmin_i \norm{\bfx_i-\bfx}\)
Risk of NN classifier conditioned on \(\bfx\) and \(\bfx_{\text{NN}(\bfx)}\) \[ R_{\text{NN}}(\bfx,\bfx_{\text{NN}(\bfx)}) = \sum_{k}\eta_k(\bfx_{\text{NN}(\bfx)})(1-\eta_k(\bfx))= \sum_{k}\eta_k(\bfx)(1-\eta_k(\bfx_{\text{NN}(\bfx)})). \]
Let \(\bfx\), \(\{\bfx_i\}_{i=1}^N\) be i.i.d. \(\sim P_{\bfx}\) in a separable metric space \(\calX\). Let \(\bfx_{\text{NN}(\bfx)}\) be the nearest neighbor of \(\bfx\). Then \(\bfx_{\text{NN}(\bfx)} \to \bfx\) with probability one as \(N\to\infty\)
Let \(\calX\) be a separable metric space. Let \(p(\bfx|y=0)\), \(p(\bfx|y=1)\) be such that, with probability one, \(\bfx\) is either a continuity point of \(p(\bfx|y=0)\) and \(p(\bfx|y=1)\) or a point of non-zero probability measure. As \(N\to\infty\), \[R(h^{\text{B}}) \leq R(h^{\text{NN}})\leq 2R(h^{\text{B}})(1-R(h^{\text{B}}))\]
Let \(\hat{h}_N\) be a classifier learned from \(N\) data points; \(\hat{h}_N\) is consistent if \(\E{R(\hat{h}_N)}\to R_B\) as \(N\to\infty\).
If \(N\to\infty\), \(K\to\infty\), \(K/N\to 0\), then \(h^{\text{$K$-NN}}\) is consistent