Prof. Matthieu Bloch
Wednesday September 4, 2024 (v1.2)
Let \(\calH\) be a Hilbert space, \(\calT\) be a subspace of \(\calH\) with dimension \(n\), and \(x\in\calH\). Let \(\set{e_i}_{i=1}^n\) be a basis for \(\calT\). Then the projection \(\hat{x}\) of \(x\) onto \(\calT\) is \[ \hat{x} = \sum_{i=1}^n\alpha_i e_i \] where \(\bfalpha\eqdef\mat{c}{\alpha_1&\cdots&\alpha_n}^\intercal\) is the solution of \(\bfG\bfalpha=\bfb\) with \(\bfG\) the Gram matrix of the basis and \(\bfb\) the coordinates of \(x\) on the basis.
A collection of vectors \(\set{v_i}_{i=1}^n\) in a finite dimensional Hilbert space \(\calH\) is an orthobasis if
A collection of vectors \(\set{v_i}_{i\in\calI}\) in a Hilbert space \(\calV\) is orthonormal if
Let \(c\in\calH\) and let \(\set{x_n}_{n\geq 1}\) be a sequence of vectors in \(\calH\) that converges to \(x^*\in\calH\). Then \(\lim_{n\to\infty}\dotp{x_n}{c} = \dotp{x^*}{c}\)
Let \(\set{v_n}_{n\geq 1}\) be a sequence of orthonormal vectors in \(\calH\). Then for any \(x\in\calH\), \(\sum_{n=1}^\infty\abs{\dotp{x}{v_n}}^2\leq\norm{x}^2\).
The following properties of a countable orthonormal set \(\set{e_i}_{i\geq 1}\) are equivalent:
A space is separable if it contains a countable dense subset.
Any separable Hilbert space has an orthonormal basis.
Any separable Hilbert space is isomorphic to \(\ell_2\)